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Century 21 Real Estate

Century 21 Real Estate

Adulting 101

Century 21 Real Estate ran into a problem: People weren’t buying homes like they used to.

Specifically, millennials weren’t buying homes. School debt, lower-paying jobs, and overall financial instability played a part, but there was still another issue that Century 21 felt like it could properly tackle alone. Once past their financial problems, most millennials just didn’t know how to go about buying a home. In fact, they struggled with how to do smaller tasks like cooking, cleaning, and maneuvering social situations. So doing something like buying and owning a home seemed entirely out of reach. Here’s where Century 21 could help. As part of their social media agency’s team, I worked to develop Adulting 101.

Adulting 101 helped millennials master the obstacles they faced, no matter how small.

With designers, art directors and content strategists, we combed through interviews and surveys from their key demographic. Then, we created an entire site filled with resources for work, home, financials, and social life. The site was launched with supporting organic and paid social content to promote it. In the end, we aimed to provide millennials with everyday support so that when they were financially ready to buy a home, they would feel more comfortable working with Century 21.

My role in the campaign?

  • Concepted. I worked with designers, art directors, and content strategists to develop three different campaigns to present to Century 21 so that they could chose the final direction.

  • Created content. With the same team, I concepted content ideas of varying media (quizzes, blogs, organic social, etc) for the four categories of the Adulting 101 microsite.